As you sow, so shall you reap, NOT

As you sow, so shall you reap. Everybody is familiar with this famous idiom; it means that if you do bad things to people, bad things will happen to you, or good things if you do good things. This idiom probably comes as one of the first moral lessons in our life. Our parents, teachers, priests; every person that's responsible for molding our characters lets us now time and again how important the meaning of this idiom is. Some also call it karma. But is it really?

Welcome to the 21st century; we've been a decade into it, and by now I know that karma screws. A person with bad karma screws other people and a person with good karma gets screwed himself. And a majority of us fall into the 'screwee' category; the other people.

Not too long ago the world stood shocked when the Lehman brothers along with AIG were bailed out by the US government. The whole meltdown swept clean the savings of millions of investors. Millions lost their jobs, health insurance. Marriages were ruined; lives were ruined. And then, the tax-payer's money was used to bail out those who screwed up. But did the 'screwers' get 'screwed'? Did their karma catch up to them? NO! Instead, these people went on a $400,000 retreat trip. [1] Their lives were/are still perfect. I'm sure as I write this post, these people are sun-bathing on an expensive private yacht on an exclusive island somewhere.

Even in our small, not so significant lives we often see bad people living a good life, don't we? They hurt people, they don't care, they use people, they do whatever they can to live a happy life and they do. They never have to pay for any wrong doing. People break hearts to satisfy their selfish needs, move on and be happier than before. Gold-diggers are actually the happiest people around. Liars are leaders. Pretenders are influencers. These days the ladder of success and happiness seldom comes from hard work, it often comes from manipulation. The skill is in finding the bait, the right timing and the the perfect kill. You have to step on one's shoulder to grab another's and then on his shoulder to grab a third and make your own ladder of success.

Whatever happened to do good and good shall be done to you.  Screw karma! The motto of the 21st century should be, 'Snatch, kick, cut, kill; welcome to the happyville'.

So if you are a good person, be prepared to not get everything in life. You never will.

Because you're good, because you care; you're screwed!

So don't sacrifice for the greater good. Live your life, or someone else will live the one you deserve. 



'Senza Fiato' means 'breathless' in Italian. Sure there are many things in this world that leave us breathless; the wonders of nature, the innocence of little ones, the survival skills of the animals; but what has left me breathless today is a feeling.

I woke up in the morning not wanting to breathe. Not that I wanted to die, I just didn't want to try hard enough to breathe. I looked all around me amidst bright colors, wonderful interiors and bay windows; but all I could see were walls. And it happens often that I just see walls. I reach a moment when the life as I know it ceases to exist, everything is still, and i can hear silence. I lie in the bed watching the walls and I keep staring asking myself why am I looking at them? But I don't have an answer. Then all of a sudden I remember to breathe, that heavy breath seems to consume me.

After hours of staring blankly I struggle to get up and out of the bed. Breathe deeper, wanting the oxygen to reach my brain; almost wanting it to shake my head and ask it to look at the bright colors, wonderful interiors, bay windows. Then I tell myself life is good. It's beautiful. I wake up somehow and look myself in the mirror hoping, telling myself that today would be different. And thus another day begins. Like every other day, not different at all!

But I know that every tomorrow would be a bit different, even if I don't see it. I know it, because I'm trying. My heart is trying. For I believe in what Sara Paddison said:

"When the heart is enlivened again, it feels like the sun coming out after a week of rainy days. There is hope in the heart that chases the clouds away. It becomes a matter of how soon you want the sun to shine. Listening to the still, small voice in your heart will make hope into a reality."

Albeit slowly, with every deep breath.

Keep breathing! Just keep breathing and you'll survive.


P.S: For more heartfelt quotes on 'hope' visit

Elle Fat Kadimoh Tah

'Elle fat kadimoh tah': An egyptian proverb which means, 'Lost is the person who forgets his/her past.'

Past - We all live it, we all know it, but do we ever realize it? 

For the past few days I've been having strange dreams. My past has been flashing through my dreams, all incidents, one after another. Just like they occurred when they happened, only this time I see my life from others' point of view. Sometimes a friend I didn't care about or sometimes an ex-bf whose heart I completely broke. I was them. And I was watching myself hurt them. I felt their pain. And for the first time in my life I knew where I come from and now I know where I want to be.

I'm sorry for all the hurt I've caused. I wish I could go to every single person and ask for their forgiveness. But that's not possible. What's possible is for me to try and make good relationships again. Help me help myself. Just like in my dreams. Its almost unbelievable, these dreams; but I think it happened for a reason. I was lost. I had blocked out so many unpleasant memories and I tried to move on. But I never could. And now that I have relived it, I know what I am and I'm ready to take the next step.

I hope more and more people can find themselves. The feeling is wonderful. Ecstatic - as if you've never been happier before. Weightless - like you can dance with the breeze. Secure - as if you never want to change again. You are finally you! And now that i have found myself, I'm never letting myself go. I'll keep my memories, experiences alive here, in the safe books of La Donna Mascherata.

Welcome to my first blog. Welcome to my world. My love. My Pain. 

'il mio amore il mio dolore.'
